Wednesday 11 April 2012

Merits of ahlulbayt from non shia sources

بحار الأنوار للمجلسي (1111 هـ) الجزء٢٦ صفحة٢٣٩

Biharul Anwar by Majisi (1111 AH), Volume 26, Page 239

باب 4 : النهي عن اخذ فضائلهم من مخالفيهم  


Section 4: The prohibition of accepting reports about the virtues of the ahlulbayt from non Shia sources. 

1 - ن : أبي عن الحسين بن أحمد المالكي عن أبيه عن إبراهيم بن أبي محمود قال : قلت للرضا عليه السلام : يابن رسول الله إن عندنا أخبارا في فضائل أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وفضلكم أهل البيت وهي من رواية مخالفيكم ولا نعرف مثلها عنكم ، أفندين بها ؟ فقال : يابن أبي محمود لقد أخبرني أبي عن أبيه عن جده عليهم السلام أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قال : من أصغى إلى ناطق فقد عبده ، فان كان الناطق عن الله عزوجل فقد عبدالله ، وإن كان الناطق عن إبليس فقد عبد إبليس . ثم قال الرضا عليه السلام : يابن أبي محمود إن مخالفينا وضعوا أخبارا في فضائلنا وجعلوها على أقسام ثلاثة : أحدها الغلو ، وثانيها التقصير في أمرنا ، وثالثها التصريح بمثالب أعدائنا ، فاذا فاذا سمع الناس الغلو فينا كفروا شيعتنا ونسبوهم إلى القول بربوبيتنا وإذا سمعوا التقصير اعتقدوه فينا ، وإذاسمعوا مثالب أعدائنا بأسمآئهم ثلبونا بأسمآئنا ، وقد قال الله عزوجل : ولا تسبوا الذين يدعون من دون الله فيسبوا الله عدوا بغير علم " ( 1 ) .
يابن أبي محمود إذا أخذ الناس يمينا وشمالا فالزم طريقتنا فانه من لزمنا لزمناه ، ومن فارقنا فارقناه ، إن أدنى مايخرج الرجل من الايمان أن يقول للحصاة : هذه نواة ، ثم يدين بذلك ويبرأ ممن خالفه ، يابن أبي محمود احفظ ما حدثتك به فقد جمعت لك فيه خير الدينا والآخرة


1- From Uyun Akhbar al Reda (by Shaikh Sadooq, Volume 1, Page 272, Section 28): My (i.e. Shaikh Sadooq's) father, from al Hussain b. Ahmad al Malki, from his father,from Ibrahim b. abi Mahmood, who said:

"With us are ahadith about the merits of Ali and ahlulbayt, but they are from non Shias while we are not aware (have not heard) of such ahadith from you people (the Imams), so should we believe in them?" Imam al Reda (as) replied: "O ibn abi Mahmood! My father told me, through his father, (who in turn was informed) from his grandfather that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "whoever listened to a speaker then he is his worshiper, so if the speaker was from Allah (swt) then he is Allah's worshiper, while if the speaker was from Iblis then he is Iblis's worshiper." Imam (as) continued further: "O ibn abi Mahmood! Indeed the non Shias have fabricated ahadith about our merits and have divided them into three categories (to setup a trap for the ignorant Shias). The first type is of ghulu, the second type is of reports which reduce our status, and the third type is of reports which explicitly state the shortcomings of our enemies. So when the non Shia laypeople/public hears (from those Shias who fell into the trap) ghulu about us they do takfir of the Shias and propagate that the Shias consider the Imams to be Rab (God), and when they (non Shia laypeople) hear (fabricated) ahadith which lower our status, they believe it, and when they hear criticisms of our enemies by their names, they then (as a reaction) slander us (Imams) by our names. And Allah (swt) has said: "Do not abuse those whom they (the disbelievers) invoke besides Allah, lest they should abuse Allah out of hostility, without any knowledge." (Qur'an 6:108). O ibn abi Mahmood! When the people are heading right and left (i.e. going astray), then stick to our path, for indeed whoever sticks to us, we stick to him, and who separates from us, we separate from him. Verily, the least which expels the man from iman (belief) is that he says for the pebble: "This is a seed" then strongly believes by that and dissociates from anyone who opposes him on that. O ibn abi Mahmood! Remember what I have just told you for there is encompassed in it the goodness of this world as well as the hereafter."


This hadith has been graded Sahih (authentic) by Ayatullah Hussain al Radhy. A detailed analysis of the isnad (chains of narration) is available on his website (click here).



  1. As salaamu 'alaykum,
    Is this hadith stating that the 'aamma invented some ghulu ahadith about the 'Aimmah (as)?

  2. Wa'laikumus salam,

    Yes, as can be seen, the hadith states that the mukhalifeen have fabricated 3 types of ahadith, one of which is the ghulu type. As the hadith explains, the mukhalifeen did this to trick the ignorant among the shias, so that the ignorant shias will believe those ahadith and propagate them, which would then provide the mukhalifeen an excuse to make takfir upon the shias (based on the ahadith which they themselves had fabricated).

    As is too common these days, most of the popular shia websites like, etc often quote sunni sources (such as sawaiq al muhariqqa, yanabe al muwaddah, ma'arij al nubuwwa etc) to prove the "merits" of ahlulbayt. In fact they use those (sunni) sources to prove deviant beliefs like wilayah takwini, Imams' knowledge of ghayb etc. It is all too common these days that our scholars/clerics tend to quote sunni sources in their books, lectures etc to prove the deviant ghulu beliefs mentioned above.

    All in all, most of the ghulu beliefs found among shias these days do not have any basis in our primary classical hadith books, but are only supported by deviant sunni books, such as those mentioned above, and have become common among the shia public due to the carelessness (mischief) of the clerics/scholars who always quote those sources to prove such ghulu beliefs. Basically, any "merit" of the ahlulbayt narrated exclusively through mukhalifeen's sources is to be discarded into the bin right off the bat.


  3. Ya Allah, we need the Qaa'im of Aal Muhammad (as)
    JazakAllah khayr for this hadith. You should consider coming back to Shiachat.

  4. Yes, may Allah (swt) hasten the return of Imam al Mahdi (as).

    As for returning to SC, thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately that is not possible because I had been placed on permanent mod preview and it's unlikely that the admins would reconsider their decision.


  5. Salamalaikum, u r doing a great job bro. Don't come back we will reach u. Siraatoaliyinhaqqun

  6. @Siraat: Walaikumus Salam,

    Thanks bro.

  7. Salam..

    Nice Narration..

    just a thought.. Does the hadees clearly say that the narrations in the books of Mukhalifeen are narrations in the name of the Imam's (as)? Like.. an hadees in a book of mukhalifeen saying Imam Sadiq (as) said...." .. ".

    I don't think this scenario is covered in this tradition here.


  8. @Anonymous: Wa'laikum assalam,

    Yes, the hadith doesn't specifically mention such. The hadith is general, and doesn't make a distinction among narrations about the merits of the infallibles (in the books of mukhalifeen), whether attributed to the Imams themselves or a third person.

    The bottom line is, as understood by renowned scholars (such as Majlisi) that any report about the fadail of ahlulbait exclusively from the mukhalifeen books is not to be relied upon.


  9. Thanks..

    But the following part actually to a certain degree indicates that the Imam (as) is referring to narrations not attributed to the Imam's (as)..

    "whoever listened to a speaker then he is his worshiper, so if the speaker was from Allah (swt) then he is Allah's worshiper, while if the speaker was from Iblis then he is Iblis's worshiper."

    Because even if you have a narration in a Shia book but not from a Imam (as), then would we still take it??

