Saturday 14 April 2012

Womanising, allowed?

الكافي - الشيخ الكليني - ج ٥ - الصفحة ٣٢٠

Kafi by Shaikh Kulaini (ra), Volume 5, Page 320

باب حب النساء

Section on passion for the women.

1 - علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن إسحاق بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): من أخلاق الأنبياء صلى الله عليهم حب النساء
مجلسي حسن أو موثق20/5 
بهبودي صحيح3/5  

1- Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad b. abi Umair, from Ishaq b. Ammar who said: Abu Abdullah (as) said: "From the akhlaq (morals/ethics) of the prophets is passion for the women."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page5 : Hasan or Muwaththaq (good or reliable)
Bahboodi (Sahih al Kafi, Volume 3, Page 5): Sahih (authentic)

2 - محمد بن يحيى العطار عن عبد الله بن محمد، عن علي بن الحكم، عن أبان بن عثمان عن عمر بن يزيد، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: ما أظن رجلا يزداد في الايمان خيرا إلا ازداد حبا للنساء
بهبودي صحيح3/5 

 2- Muhammad b. Yahya al Attar, from Abdullah b. Muhammad, from Ali b. al Hakam, from Aban b. Uthman, from Umar b. Yazid, from abi Abdullah (as) who said: "I do not reckon that a man will increase khair (goodness) in the iman (faith) but that the passion for women increases."


Bahboodi (Sahih al Kafi, Volume 3, Page 5): Sahih (authentic)

3 - من سنن المرسلين: العطر وأخذ الشعر وكثرة الطروقةمحمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن معمر بن خلاد قال: سمعت علي ابن موسى الرضا (عليهما السلام) يقول: ثلاث
مجلسي صحيح20/5 
بهبودي صحيح3/5   

3: Muhammad b. Yahya, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from Mu'ammar b. Khallad who said: I heard Ali b. Musa al Reda (as) say: "Three (characteristics) are from the sunnah of the messengers (prophets): Itar (Islamic perfume), taking (shaving/trimming) the hair and abundance of sexual partners."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page5 : Sahih (authentic)
Bahboodi (Sahih al Kafi, Volume 3, Page 5): Sahih (authentic)

6 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن حفص بن البختري، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): ما أحب من دنياكم إلا النساء والطيب
مجلسي حسن20/6
بهبودي صحيح3/6

6- Ali b. Ibrahim, from his father, from ibn abi Umair, from Hafs b. al Bakhtari, from abi Abdillah (as) who said: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "I do not love from your dunya (material world) but the women and the perfumes."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page 6 : Hasan (Good)
Bahboodi (Sahih al Kafi, Volume 3, Page 6): Sahih (authentic)

7 - محمد بن أبي عمير، عن بكار بن كردم وغير واحد، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): جعل قرة عيني في الصلاة ولذتي في النساء
مجلسي كالحسن20/6

7- Muhammad b. abi Umair, from Bakar b. Kardam and more than one other person, from abi Abdullah (as) who said: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The delight (coolness) of my eyes has been ordained in the salah (prayers), and my pleasure in the women."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page 6 : Like Hasan (Good)


  1. I wonder if the likes of you will ever manage to get a woman LOL

  2. Is womanising the correct word to use for this? Love of women seems more appropriate.

  3. as salaamu alaykum,

    Here's another one from al-khisal (don't know if it's sahih)

    5-71 (The compiler of the book narrated) that his father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ahmad ibn Idris quoted Muhammad ibn Ahmad, on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Hamuye, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa al-Yaqtayni, on the authority of Al-Reza (MGB), “A white rooster has five of the characteristics of the Prophets as follows: it recognizes the times of prayer; it has zeal; it is generous; it is brave and it copulates with his hen spouse a lot.”

  4. @ImAli: Stop scaring me aunty! My mom also keeps saying the same. I guess if nothing works then as a last resort I'll have to marry Ali's sister.

  5. @Hussain: Yes bro, "love of women" is also appropriate. In fact, our great compilers of ahadith books such as Shaikh Kulaini, Shaikh Sadooq and Shaikh Hurr al Amili also labeled these chapters حب النساء "love of women". And as Ayatullah Murtada Ali al Basha explains (here:, that these shuyukh correctly understood "love of women" synonymous to having intercourse with them, and hence placed ahadith about extreme desirability of having intercourse with women in those chapters. Generally, any sane person would concur with them since that is the commonly understood meaning and no scholar worth his salt has understood otherwise throughout the centuries, not to mention that our ahadith make it clear that women are nothing but the men's toys ( thereby making it clear that women are essentially just sex objects.

    But.....I was in for a rude shock when I spent about 5 months on shiachat (which as you'd know, is the largest English shia forum with thousands and thousands of members). Over there almost about everyone considered the "love of women" mentioned in our Islamic literature to mean some sort of "pure and clean" platonic love relationship (probably due to the influence of Hindu and western ideals). Heck one of the senior admins of that site used to deny that the inhabitants of jannah (heaven) would engage in intercourse (although our ahadith state that abundant intercourse would in fact be the primary source of joy for them) since it is an "unclean" act.

    So basically, while "love of women" would have definitely been a more than appropriate title under normal circumstances, but when you have people shamelessly twisting straightforward issues, then one is forced to be more blunt. While the term "womanising" may have negative connotations in the west, but at the end of the day, the Islamic ideals of sex and marriage are exactly what are labeled womanising in the west. Think about it, polygamy, mutahs, slave girls etc, that is what would be considered the ultimate form of womanising in the west. On the other hand, the western ideals are different. The saints are supposed to be celibate (or monogamous at best) and the normal person who is ethical and moral must be monogamous. In fact even if someone doesn't marry but keeps a girlfriend (which is clear fornication), is not termed a womaniser as long as he keeps one girlfriend at a time (i.e. is a "monogamous boyfriend").

    So all in all, I personally don't see "womanising" as a necessarily negative term considering that the halal (in fact highly mustahab) acts are the ones which would be called womanising in the west. Unfortunately majority of the shias, brainwashed by effeminate shaikhs, lecturers etc, need a strong wake up call.


  6. @ali_hussain: Wa'laikumus salam, thanks for the hadith. The translation by the book translators is a bit off though (of the last part: "it copulates with his hen spouse a lot"). Here is the original arabic: معرفته بأوقات الصلاة، والغيرة، والسخاء والشجاعة، وكثرة الطروقة
    The relevant part is this: "وكثرة الطروقة". The proper translation of this would be "and a lot of sex (with his partners)", or "a lot of sexual partners". The translation "it copulates with his hen spouse a lot" is completely wrong in the sense that it gives the false impression that while the rooster has a lot of intercourse, but is monogamous ("with his henspouse"). If you understand Arabic, then here is what Baqir Majlisi and the famus dictionary majma' ul bayan says about كثرة الطروقة: أي كثرة الأزواج أو كثرة الجماع، و قال

    في النهاية:" طروقة الفحل" أي يعلو الفحل مثلها في سنها، و هي فعولة بمعنى مفعولة.

    أي مركوبة للفحل. و منه الحديث: كان يصبح جنبا من غير طروقة أي زوجة، و كل امرأة طروقة زوجها، و كل ناقة طروقة فحلها

    كثرة الطروقة: كثرة الجماع وغشيان الرجل أزواجه وما أحل له، مجمع البحرين: ج5 ص206 مادة طرق

    As for the hadith being sahih or not, that's another discussion altogether since apart from the difference in grading methods of the mutaqadamin and mutakhireen, even the standards of usooli scholars differ widely amongst themselves. Rest assured though, Shaikh Sadooq (ra), along with his shaikh ibn al Walid, was a very strict muhadith and did not used to include unreliable ahadith..........


  7. Your mom sounds like a wise lady :D

  8. @ImAli: Yes aunty, alhamdulillah she is a wise lady that's why she supported my proper Islamic upbringing. Unfortunately I can't say the same about Ali's mom because any filthy woman who shamelessly mocks someone for merely quoting authentic ahadith of the same Prophet and Imams that she supposedly follows, is obviously incapable of assisting in her children's Islamic upbringing.

    Btw, you jumped the gun aunty. In case you didn't realise yet, I wrote my earlier comment in a light hearted manner, and my mom says that to have a laugh at the irreligious shia women who think they control the world. While the reality is that she is frequently bombarded by help requests (because alhamdulillah my family is very well respected in the local shia community) from desperate mothers of daughters, who are now in their mid-late twenties now but are still unmarried, because they rejected the few proposals that came their way earlier as they'd thought that the world revolves around them. Tbh aunty I wouldn't be surprised if you yourself are one of those women who were only able to get married in their mid twenties (or even later) when some sub standard person finally gave you a break due to some necessity.

    And even if the reality was different, and we had irreligious (shia) women calling the shots, Islamically men are still under no obligation to "woo" women. If the man's religious condition and akhlaq is fine, then the woman is obliged to marry him otherwise she is a sinner, period. Neither the Prophet, nor any of the Imams were "ladies man", they were the complete anti thesis of that. In fact, as per western standards, they would probably be called "jerks" in regards to their treatment of women.

    Anyway aunty, just a gentle reminder, this blog is for discussion of tashayyu, it is not a brothel (hussainiya) where irreligious filthy shia women gather to mock shia ahadith.

  9. (bismillah)

    ^La ilaha illaAllah.

    Your Akhlaq is amazing.

    May I add my two cents? You are a disgrace to the Shia.

    Next time, keep your foul mouth shut. It is clear the type of household you hail from, and even if our impression was false, you just supplied us with sufficient evidence to prove ourselves true.

    Alhamdulillah you were banned from SC. Only Allah can guide you.

  10. Your assumptions of me and my life are completely WRONG, nice try though. As being "obliged" to marry a person or be a sinner.....what type of nonsense it this? You are not obliged to marry anyone you don't feel right about....some people just aren't a good match no matter how religious they are. As for your authentic ahadith....just about everything you have put on here is in question and weak. Have fun misleading people. By the way I heard you were actually an apostate troll on a mission to mislead people, after seeing this I am quite sure what I have heard is correct.

  11. ImAli, why are you trying to get him to insult you by insulting him yourself? Don't say something you wouldn't want said to you, it's better to try to refute/ re-interpret the ahadith shown instead of starting a mud slinging match.

  12. That he is an apostate on a mission to mislead people?

  13. Yes, calling him an apostate without any proof is just the same as accusing someone of a horrible crime without evidence.

  14. I agree. ImAli you should be ashamed of yourself for dissing sheeh hadeeths because you don't like them, then you also insult bhooka. Why do you come if you don't want to learn? Don't throw insults if you can not argue academically.

  15. Bhooka may Allah azwj disgrace you for writing brothel and in brackets hussainiya. Do u think only non religious women go there?and don't you know that you are not allowed to call non religious shia as fasiq fajir. And I also do not like these ladies who want to fit islam as per their likes, may Allah azwj disgrace you as well.

  16. Abbas I don't have time to argue with this guy....he deserves no respect and I am not the only one who thinks so. I'm sure he will be single for quite a while.

  17. ^^Seconded 100%! This guy is just a bitter loser. He's unable to find a woman for himself thats y he hates them all lol!

  18. Wow, you guys are obsessed with hating bhooka. let him be guys.

  19. We are certainly not obsessed with him. He himself is addicted to controversy. anyone who has the audacity to call hussainiyas brothels deserves no respect.
